Madrid, 21/06/-23/06 2021
Finally, the first Project Mobility and the Transnational Project Meeting took place, as foreseen by the Application Form, in which they participated, as Project Partners:
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Madrid – Spain (Partner Ospitante/Organizzatore)
Associazione “Per Boboli” (Coordinatore di Progetto) – Florence- Italy
Me-We Istituto di Ricerca Innovativa s.r.l.– Florence- Italy
Opera della Divina Provvidenza Madonnina del Grappa – Florence – Italy
Agricultural University of Athens – Athens- Greece
Instituto Politecnico Do Porto – Porto – Portugal
Kyttaro Enallaktikon Anazitiseon Neaon (Kean) – Athens – Greece
- 21/06/2021, 10 AM-11 AM, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Welcome and general information presented by the dechanal group of social and legal sciences, Dña. María Luisa Delgado Jalón and Ricardo Moreno Rodríguez
- Monday 21/06, 10 AM- 01 PM, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.Working group: Recognition of training needs and action plan by José Luis López-Bastias,José María López Díaz and José David Carnicero Pérez, URJC
- Monday 21/06, 03-04 PM. TPM Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Transnational Project Meeting: delivery to all partners, by Me-We, of the tablet toolkits, Output O2 – O5
- 21/06, 04-05 PM, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Educational methodologies promoting inclusion in vocational training. Rosa Espada Chavarría. URJC.
- 21/06, 07 PM. Partyshop: Guided tour – Madrid
- 21/06, 07 PM. Partyshop: Guided tour – Madrid
- 22/06, 11 AM, Campo Real, Townhall. Greetings from the Mayor. Reception at the Town Hall with the Mayor D. Felipe Moreno Morera
- 22/06, Campo Real. Tour of the restored Church
- 22/06, 12 AM, Campo Real. Tour of the Castellana de Ganaderos Cooperative
- 23/06, 11 AM, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Theoretical-practical workshop on Gamification and scape room aimed at adult education.César Cáceres Taladriz, Director URJC online
- 23/06, 12 AM, TPM – Università Rey Juan Carlos.Transnational Project Meeting: objectives and closing of the event
- 23/06, Ending of TPM – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- 04/06, 06.30 AM. Goodbye Madrid- Atocha Central Station
- Meeting Agenda