O2 – Europa Social Survey – Online Platform
Me-We Istituto di Ricerca Innovativa srl
Participating Partners
Associazione “Per Boboli”
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Instituto Politecnico do Porto
Kyttaro Enallaktikon Anazitiseon Neaon (KEAN)
Agricultural University of Athens
This platform was the system that offered the possibility of administering real-time surveys via Appweb and Web interface as part of “Oltre il Giardino – Osservatorio di Inclusione Sociale” project.
The system was used by all project operators and proved to be easy to apply and transfer to other realities outside the project. It has been divided into sections in which users and the system administrator have created and managed all the surveys, which were subsequently activated. The system is in Italian and English.
The platform had the function of collecting the surveys administered through the Toolkit, by the project operators to the target subjects; this Toolkit was the necessary tool on occasions when the target subject had to have the cultural mediation support that each individual partner made available with their operators for the compilation of the surveys envisaged by the Project. The Toolkit is an intuitive web interface in which the project operator finds the necessary instructions for administering the survey, the ethical behaviors to be supported, the rules on privacy and anonymity towards target subjects.
The output is expressed in an EES online platform (ess.oltreilgiardino.eu) and a toolkit installed on a tablet (the partners were equipped with a tablet provided by Me-We Istituto di Ricerca Innovativa) for the administration of real-time surveys by proposing a system innovative based on A.I. (artificial intelligence) which has been called Speech Survey, a system that allows the voice administration of surveys with recognition of the voice response, which is recorded and translated into data for subsequent statistical processing. An intuitive system for the construction of surveys, from the survey to its administration by sending a link for all devices, which once activated can be used as a simple phone call from an operator, who in this case is virtual with a synthetic voice. Given the universal feature, the Speech Survey can be used in all languages of the world: the written text is read by the system and reproduced. The Speech Survey was designed and built thanks to the expertise of Me-We Istituto di Ricerca Innovativa with its computer and statistical engineers. The partners supported the development of cultural and linguistic mediation throughout the duration of the design and its implementation.
The Toolkit was able to make the compilation of surveys, such as voice administration with the Speech Survey, even more accessible to the most disadvantaged targets. Me-We also produced all the documentation for administration in Italian and English to facilitate the translation that the partners then made into their native languages.
All partners have actively contributed to the implementation of the platform, each according to their own specificities and points of view, increasing the design value of the output in the union of different cultures and professional experiences, but determined in the aim of making each locus always accessible, even in terms of tools, to all citizens of the world.
Tutorial Speech Survey (link to YouTube channel)