A garden of opportunities for inclusion. Trees, flowers and plants of all kinds to combat social hardship. Ranging from the need for integration of migrants to the difficulties of single women, from people with economic problems to those with health problems, from those who have suffered as a result of school abandonment to the elderly, marginalised by the digital divide: these are the main objectives of the European Project “Beyond the Garden – Social Inclusion Observatory”, which involves universities, research bodies and non-profit organisations from four countries situated in the Lower Mediterranean (Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal).
The project operates through the realisation of special activities aimed towards the acquisition of self-awareness, such as the enjoyment of the artistic-cultural heritage and environmental protection and care while taking into account the beauty and origin of historical European gardens. Oltre il Giardino aims at enhancing, encouraging as well as implementing a process of social inclusion that can be productive in overcoming discomfort, through the fundamental combination of preventive and continuous monitoring of the aforementioned individuals through social research and statistics, in order also to develop the skills and practical-digital abilities of the identified target.
Oltre il Giardino aims at enhancing, encouraging as well as implementing a process of social inclusion that can be productive in overcoming discomfort, through the fundamental combination of preventive and continuous monitoring of the aforementioned individuals through social research and statistics, in order also to develop the skills and practical-digital abilities of the identified target.
All of this will be discussed on Friday 24 September at 9.30 a.m. in the Sala Brunelleschi, Istituto degli Innocenti, Piazza SS. Annunziata 12, Florence, by the Project Partners and City and Regional Institutions.
(invitation is hereby attached)
The project will last two years with the participation as Partners:
Associazione “Per Boboli” (Italy) Project Coordinator
Me-We Innovative Research Institute (Italy
Opera della Divina Provvidenza Madonnina del Grappa (Italy)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Portugal)
Kyttaro Enallaktikon Anazitiseon Neaon (Greece)
Agricultural University of Athens (Greece)
The project was approved and funded by the European Union under the ERASMUS+ programme (Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth).